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Repair-building organization OOO Region (the license GS-7-27-01-1027-0-2722068001-011042-1) works in sphere production отделочных of the work with 19.11.07 on present time. Customer were such known enterprises of the city, as OOO Vudeks , OOO Sindinskoe лесозаготовительное enterprise , OAO Tuymaada Daymond , ZAO Termiya , OOO Design building company Stroyregion , ZAO Dalitransproekt , FGU Russian river register , GOU VPO Siberian state university telecommunication and informaticses and other legal and physical persons of the city of the Khabarovsk. The High quality of the work is provided due to use high-quality material and attraction высококвалифицированных specialist. The Number skilled specialist, used on object, forms 30 persons with experience of the work not less three years. Equipment and instruments, required for construction there are in presence.

The Specialists to organizations annually pass the extension course that promotes increasing a level quality of the produced work.

The Applicable material and executed work be up to quality SANPIN, SNIP, GUEST, THAT, EN, technical regulations (SNIP 2.08.02-89 Public buildings and buildings , SNIP 2.08.01-89 Apartment buildings, SNIP 2.09.02-85 (1991, c изм. 3 1994) Production buildings, SNIP 2.09.04-87 Administrative and home buildings , SNIP 21-01-97 Fireman safety buildings and buildings On enterprise is realized system of the checking for quality of the executable work in accordance with GUEST R ISO 9002-96 Systems quality. The Model of the provision quality at production, montage and service.

680028, Khabarovsk, str. Serysheva 22, of. 103, fax/tel: (4212) 574-283; 605-333 e-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript
Office hours of the office: with 9-00 before 18-00, monday - friday